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This project was born from a work of a subject in 3rd year of Computer Engineering. The main idea of the project is to show in a simple way how digital images can be treated. The original idea consisted of small programs in Python that allowed to perform small but very important operations for this field of computer science. In addition to the original programs, the next step to take is to make examples explained with Notebooks and in the long term to make a graphical interface that unifies all the programs.


Este proyecto nace a partir de un trabajo de una asignatura en 3º de Ingeniería Informática. La idea principal del proyecto es mostrar de una forma simple como se puede realizar un tratamiento sobre las imágenes digitales. La idea original consistía en pequeños programas en Python que permitían realizar pequeñas operaciones pero muy importantes para este campo de la informática. Además de los programas originales, el siguiente paso a dar es realizar ejemplos explicado con Notebooks y a largo plazo realizar una interfaz gráfica que unifique todos los programas.

Before running

This proyect is made in Python 3, using principally the library OpenCV, NumPy and Matplotlib.

I recommend using a virtual environment for using the proyect, you can find tutorials here.

Proyect dependencies

pip install opencv-python

pip install numpy

pip install matplotlib

pip install argparse


In addition to the scripts to run the programs, notebooks explaining how the app works are also available.

Future work

For finish

Feel free to request a pull or open an issue.